By TradesViz On in How-To

Seasonality Portfolios: How to build portfolios based on seasonality data on TradesViz

Seasonality data is a great way to understand the cycles of a stock over a period of time. But what if you could leverage this data to build portfolios of many tickers each balancing out the weaknesses of the other?... Read on to understand!

By TradesViz On in General

Artificial Intelligence Powered Trade Journaling: Queries list and cheatsheet guide

Are you ready to find answers to all your burning trading questions? Have you wished there was a way to visualize a particular stat? The TradesViz's AI query will solve a lot of your trading problems! Read this guide to get a list of queries you can use every day to find deeper insights!

By TradesViz On in How-To

Advanced AI Query Guide for Trade Journaling Querying and Analysis

The AI Q&A is a LOT more powerful than you think! In this post, we explore some powerful AI query that gives VERY actionable results and analytics that are not possible with any other platform.

By TradesViz On in Core UI

Artificial Intelligence Question & Answer Analysis: Ask and Visualize Anything on TradesViz Trading Journal

The next generation of trading analysis is here: Ask TradesViz anything and get results, charts, and more. Powered by AI, this is currently the most powerful way to analyze and quickly get answers and insights from your trading accounts.

By TradesViz On in General

Why is journaling important?

Why even journal your trades? Why should you analyze your trades? How does it help you? All your journaling questions are answered here!