By TradesViz On in General

Tables & Overall Statistics: All the stats and columns in TradesViz explained

All the questions you have had about the trading statistics, their definitions, etc., are all documented here! Most commonly asked questions about charts, what their meanings are can also be found here!

By TradesViz On in Visualizations

New: MFE/MAE Charts

A new addition to TradesViz charts: MFE/MAE vs trade properties charts. You can now analyze and find the best profit and stop targets for all of your trades. Like every other TradesViz chart, these charts are also FULLY EXPLORABLE!

By TradesViz On in General

Statistics & Charts: The definitive reference for TradesViz

Want to know if a statistic or a chart is available or where to find them in TradesViz? This one page will give you all the info you need!

By TradesViz On in General

How to create a trading edge

In collaboration with ChartLearning, we created a detailed post on how you can best utilize TradesViz tools to find your own trading edge. Learn with real examples on how to use the interactive charts and auto-insights from TradesViz to improve your trading expectancy.

By TradesViz On in How-To

Build your own custom trade reports

Build a trade report using conditions ranging from price, volume, ATR, win/loss, etc., and save it to access and view statistics of trades filtered by those conditions any time!