New feature: Quick filters

By TradesViz in Introduction


Filtering has always been a strong suit of TradesViz and we have constantly improved it - both in terms of speed and the versatility of it. You can find more info on just how advanced our table filters are by reading this blog post:

Also unique to TradesViz is the ability to filter ANY data point you find on a chart and apply it globally like below:


Now, it is possible to do the same without visiting any chart thereby making the filters even more efficient and accessible from ANY tab in your dashboard. This is made possible using the quick filters dropdown accessible by clicking the filters icon at the top of your dashboard.

Here is the new filters dropdown feature in action:

This is much fast, more accessible, and easy to use. The chart-based filter is always available and we hope with the addition of this quick filters, it makes navigating your journal that much easier.

With these features at your fingertips - right on your dashboard, here are all the stats you can filter (along with the existing global "Filters" dropdown):

  1. Asset type
  2. Filter groups
  3. Symbols (multi-search, wildcard-based search, exclusive/inclusive operators)
  4. Tags (multi-search, wildcard-based search, exclusive/inclusive operators)
  5. Tag groups (multi-search, wildcard-based search)
  6. PnL Type (Net/Gross)
  7. Trade position (Long/Short/Both)
  8. Trade Status (Closed/Open/Both)
  9. Trade Duration (Intraday/Multiday/Both)
  10. Trade Result (Win/Loss/Both)
  11. Trading accounts
  12. Date filter
  13. Trading history
  14. Price range
  15. Volume range
  16. Time of day
  17. Duration range
  18. Weekday
  19. Month
  20. Year
  21. Option type
  22. PnL Range
  23. PnL % Range
  24. R-value Range

Want us to add more filters? Let us know! 

We are confident that there isn't any better solution to journaling especially if you are interested in filtering than TradesViz. This includes every trade journaling solution AND even Excel. 

Try it and see for yourself just how easy and intuitive it is to use TradesViz! 

As always, let us know your feedback, feature requests by emailing us at [email protected]. Huge features are coming to TradesViz soon! Stay tuned!