New feature: Day view summary in day grouped table

By TradesViz in Introduction

We heard your feedback on simplifying the interface and working towards that goal, we have now introduced a way to view essential trading day's info directly from the day grouped table itself.

As a user of TradesViz, you may know that we have 3 main table views: The trades table, the symbol-grouped table, and the day-grouped table. Each table is crafted specifically to provide you with a tabular format of different types of data grouping in different ways. 

Day grouped table is one of the most used features of TradesViz because it allows you to view all of your individual trading days and related information like no. of wins/losses, pnl, etc., 

Expanding the row has historically shown the trades that were made on that day. But with this new update (new global account settings), you can view the day summary and realized pnl chart in the same area like shown below:

How to enable this? Simple: Just visit your account settings and check the "Show extra details like realized PnL chart and day/trade info" option. 

This is just the beginning of the simplifying of the various tabs and data layouts of TradesViz. More modifications and similar features to other tables will be built based on your feedback!

This feature works really well with the "Toggle collapse" button in the table which expands all the rows at once. It will take a few seconds to load al the data, but once a page is loaded, repeated reloads of the same page will be fast and you can easily scroll to view full info of all your trading day infos in one page:


Why did we integrate this info into the trades table instead of it being a separate view? Simply because all TradesViz tables are sortable and searchable. Our search and filter for tables is hands down the most efficient way to get to your trades and quickly view the data you want to look at. If we were to implement this like other journals in a separate interface, you would lose all these features. 

Everything in TradesViz is built and crafted with a few very specific goals in mind: actionable data, efficient accessibility, and meaningful visualizations. 

We hope this feature makes trading journaling a little easier for you! As always, if you have any questions, or feedback for us, please email us at [email protected].