July 2020 Updates: More import platforms, minor bug fixes, new features!

By TradesViz in Changelog


Changelog and updates for this month include added import support for 5 new brokers/platforms, bug fixes, and some new features.

We have added these 5 new broker formats:

  • Schwab
  • F1 Trader
  • eToro
  • CMC Markets
  • Sterling Pro

We've been having some issues with ThinkorSwim uploads and we have improved our system a lot so that errors mostly don't happen unless the file has been manually edited or a different format other than what's given in the instructions is used. 

We have also added 2 new features to the add trade feature:

  • Ability to bypass the symbols matcher: Checking this option will allow you to add any symbol to TradesViz even if that symbol is not officially supported on TradesViz at the moment. Examples include few index derivatives, CFDs, etc.,

  • Auto-merge manually added trade: Checking this option will allow automatically add the trade you add to be merged with the earliest open trade of the same symbol and asset class automatically. 


Both these options can be found in the add trade popup itself.


We have also released the notes view feature where you can view, organize, and add notes all in one place to enhance your journaling experience. More info about this feature can be found here.


Other than these, the other major feature we have added is the ability to merge/combine executions or trades by just dragging and dropping executions in the group by trades table. The GIF below explains the simple process.


Using this feature, you can create complex trades for options (iron condors, butterfly, etc.,), multi-asset trades, and more. 

Most of these features were added by user requests and feedback! :)
We're always listening to your feedback and opinions about TradesViz so please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any issues or want any features to be implemented!