Unbiased feature comparison: TradesViz vs Competitor 1

By TradesViz in Product comparison

Note: These comparisons are not updated anymore by us because these competitors have not updated their platforms or features in a way enough to compare with the current feature set of TradesViz. This was last updated in 2021 and our current feature set is FAR MORE ADVANCED than what you see here. Check our pricing page: tradesviz.com/pricing/

Therefore, there is no point in us keeping this page updated when our features in 2021 still outshine the features of competitors in 2023...

We have never raised any prices and we never upsell subscriptions.
Our features continue to grow and improve

There isn't any competitor even near 20% of what we offer. 

Don't believe us? Take a 7-day trial and try the features yourself. 

A trading journal so popular that it is the first to come up in any journaling discussions. We would call it the grandfather of all trading online journals as it was launched more than 10 years ago and probably has tens of thousands of active users. With this post, we compare this competitor to TradesViz - a journal that came out just 1 year ago.

What makes our comparison unbiased? We are not going to pick all the features that we have and they don't and put checkmarks beside it and a cross mark on the competitor column - that's outdated and we know our users are smart enough to notice this. 

Instead, we will pick all the features Competitor 1 has listed on their pricing page for the highest/most expensive plan (at the time of writing this post) + more features based on the usage of the product and compare them directly with TradesViz! 

Here's the table features comparison table:


Bold feature name: TradesViz-specific features. All other features are taken from Competitor 1.

  • X: Feature not available.
  • O: Feature available.
  • O(f): Feature available in the free version itself.
  • ?: Not enough info to compare the feature.


TradesViz vs Competitor 1
Feature name TradesViz Competitor 1
Number of trades Free: 3000/mo
Free: 100/mo
Trade import from brokers O(f) O(f)
Stocks and ETFs O(f) O(f)
Automatic price charts on multiple timeframes O(f) O(f)
Entries/exits shown on price charts O(f) O(f)
Tagging and filtering O(f) O(f)
Overview reports O(f) O(f)
Detailed reports O(f) O(f)
Dashboard O(f) O(f)
Share trades with the community O(f) O(f)
Futures support O O
Forex support O O
Options support O O
Intraday and running P&L charts O O
Renko, Volume Bar, and Range Bar charts O O
MFE/MAE statistics O O
Interactive drill-down reports O O
Advanced reports O(f) O
Multiple independent trading accounts O O
Download/Export to Excel O O
Image uploads and storage O(f) O
Mentoring  O O
Price chart studies and comparisons O(f) O
Adjust auto-merge and auto-split settings O O
Include P&L data with shared trades O(f) O
Selectable base currency O(f) O
Risk tracking and reporting  O O
Exit analysis  O O
Commission and fee support O O
Liquidity reports X O
Fully custom stats & charts dashboard O X
Symbol research dashboard O X
Side-by-side strategy comparison O X
Dynamic/interactive charts O X
Ability to draw/write on charts O X
Detailed trade explore O(f) X
Detailed day explore O(f) X
Add notes/tags/images/charts to each day O(f) X
Stock fundamentals visualization O(f) X
Stock ownership visualization O X
100+ performance statistics O X
Options greeks vs pnl statistics O(f) X
Market vs your performance statistics O O
Auto import features O(f) X
Flexible import/grouping settings O X
Manage each trade import O X
Logical operator search for tables O X
Multiple table views (day, symbol, trade) O(f) X
Support US/Canda/India stocks O(f) X
Ability to detect and merge spreads w/o brokerage labeling O X
Overlay multiple statistics on charts O X
Explore/drill down EVERY datapoint O X
Group apply operations for trades O X
Dedicated Split/merge trade features O(f) O
Auto-generated smart insights for all PnL charts O X
Multi-currency support  O(f) O
Default chart settings (auto add charts on import) O O
Add deposits/withdrawals and visualize them O(f) X
Build custom trade reports O X
Intraday PnL-change charts O X
Unrealized PnL for open trades O(f) X
Unrealized/Realized R-values O X
Risk/reward vs PnL charts and metrics O(f) X
Manually add multi-leg/spread options trades easily O X
Dedicated notes management O X
Trading day sharing O(f) X
Manual trade entry O X
Stop-loss/Profit target management O X
Stop-loss/Profit target visualization in charts O X
Sector PnL report/treemap O X
Auto expiry adding O X


Finally, the most important question: What's the cost? 

TradesViz offers only 1 single paid plan with ALL the features listed above and more. You pay either $20 on a monthly basis or $180 on a yearly basis ($15/mo - 20% discount). 

Competitor 1 offers 2 paid plans which at the time of writing costs $29, $49 on a monthly basis and there are no yearly plans or yearly plan offers.

Our conclusion:

When you get MOST bang for your buck with TradesViz, why consider other options?

Apart from that, we are continually adding new features and on a feature-by-feature basis. TradesViz contains nearly - if not, all the features of Competitor 1 that are most useful to traders and a lot more useful features based on suggestions from traders that are regularly integrated into TradesViz. If we include price into consideration, then you are getting more than 3x the features for 1/3th of the price! ($180 yearly TradesViz vs $600 yearly Competitor 1).

What is your opinion? 

Feel free to reach out to us ([email protected]) if you think this comparison is not fair or if you have any other questions!